Didactic of Emotions is an innovative and effective model of intervention against Early School Leaving through the introduction of emotional education into the school environment.
Find out more!
New coherent methodology and innovative curricula of emotional education
Reduce the phenomenon of
Early School Leaving
Based on the Italian methodology
“Didattica delle Emozioni”©

Our objectives are:
Contribute to effective Early School Leaving strategies through the integration of emotional education intervention methodology in school curricula for all students impacting on the reduction of early school leaving.
Through emotional education, foster development and assessment of transversal skills and competences among students to favour wellness and diminish emotional discomfort risks.
Increase professional skills of teachers in the field by equipping them with an accessible Early School Leaving intervention methodology utilized through OERs combined with practical techniques and assessment tools, and adapted for classroom learning at any level.
Support holistic collaborative approaches to teaching through networking and events to promote dialogue with stakeholders in school education across Europe and foster the exchange of good practices to address and support children and young people at risk of Early School Leaving and disadvantage.
EUMOSCHOOL provides teachers with theoretical basis and practical tools for educating students to recognise, live and manage emotions, thus enhancing the well-being of the class and preventing the drop-out!
Open Educational Resource
Within EUMOSCHOOL, the original Didactics of Emotions methodology has been transferred to a free and openly accessible e-learning platform, available in 6 languages!
These Guidelines provides a key tool for the implementation of EUMOSCHOOL as an holistic approach to Early School Leaving. They are available in 6 languages!