The EUMOSCHOOL project aims to; develop, test and implement a new coherent methodology and innovative curricula of emotional education within school environments involving 6 countries (Italy, UK, Hungary, Romania, Turkey and Austria), providingan effective intervention model to reduce the phenomenon of Early School Leaving (ESL). educational methods and training to meet the increasing needs of the educational staff and pupils (aged 6 to 16 years old).

The project is based on the EU level adaptation of the Italian methodology “Didattica delle Emozioni”© (Didactic of Emotions, DoE), developed from 18 years of experience and investigation into emotional education. The methodology has been successfully tested on 3000 teachers, students, parents and tutors, in order to improve the wellbeing and transversal key competencies of pupils with a view to reducing ESL whilst supporting the professional development of teachers and pedagogical staff.

EUMOSCHOOL aims to spread the adapted methodology to a wide range of students, teachers, staff and schools through implementing emotional education into the school curricula.

The specific EUMOSCHOOL objectives are:

  • To contribute to effective ESL strategies through the integration of emotional education intervention methodology into school curricula for all students, impacting on the reduction of ESL.
  • To foster the development and assessment of transversal skills and competences among students to develop well-being and diminish emotional discomfort and associated risk factors through emotional education.
  • To increase the professional skills of teachers and practitioners by equipping them with an accessible ESL intervention methodology, utilized through an Online Educational Resource (OER) combined with practical techniques and assessment tools, adapted for classroom learning at any level.
  • To support holistic collaborative approaches to teaching through networking and events to promote dialogue with stakeholders in school education across Europe. Exchange good practice to address and support children and young people at risk of ESL and disadvantage.

Within EUMOSCHOOL, four main project results –intellectual outputs – have been developed:

Comparative Research Report


  1. literature review of the educational contexts and systems involved inthe project;
  2. primary research on schools and teachers’ needs in; Italy, Austria, Romania, Hungary and Turkey, regarding the prevention of ESL and emotional education.

Eumoschool OER

A self-learning OER adapted from the Didacticts of Emotions (DoE) for teachers, accessed via Moodle (moodle.org).

Guidelines for EUMOSCHOOL implementation as an holistic approach to Early School Leaving

These guidelines have been developed utilising the DoE and experiences of schools; staff and students.

Policy Recommendations

A document to guide policy-makers and other relevant school stakeholders in their ESL strategies at a local, national and European level.

What is the Erasmus Plus programme?

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe for the period 2014 – 2020. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, gain experience, and volunteer abroad.

The Erasmus+ Programme is designed to support Programme Countries’ efforts to efficiently use the potential of Europe’s talent and social assets in a lifelong learning perspective, linking support to formal, non-formal and informal learning throughout the education, training and youth fields. The Programme also enhances the opportunities for cooperation and mobility with Partner Countries, notably in the fields of higher education and youth.

To know more about Erasmus+, check the following website: http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/

The structure of these Guidelines

The main aim of the guidelines is to support the school sector to improve their capacity to exploit the potential of new approaches for the prevention of ESL through applying the DoE as a holistic approach. These Guidelines were created in order to support teachers using the techniques of DoE during their daily work:  in order to do so, feedback from the teachers using the DoE techniques have been collected during 2017. Interviews with the developers of the methodology and with professionals in the field of education have been included to deliver a complex and complete set of resources, accessible to teachers and other educational professionals, sharing strategies to develop an effective holistic approch which can contribute to reducing Early School Leaving.

In order to ensure access, these guidelines have been produced in two formats: 1)  Interactive guidelines, including videos to provide visual and audio commentary from teachers, students and educational professionals who participated directly in the implementation of the DoE 2) Printed version.

The structure of the current Guidelines goes as follows:

The importance of emotional education in schools

Introduction to the topic of emotional education in schools, two interviews conducted with  an educational psychologist from the University of Gloucestershire (UK) and a school principal from Italy, both highligting why emotional education is crucialfor children and young people.


Didactics of Emotions: a short introduction

Introduction to the DoE– EUMOSCHOOL main methodology –shared through an interview carried out with the two founders of the Emotional Training Centre – the Italian organization who developed DoE.


How to ensure a holistic approach?

Suggestions on how to start a holistic approach from the classroom to a whole school system.


EUMOSCHOOL OER (Open Educational Resource)

How DoE has been adapted to be included in an online e-learning course. The Moodle-based platform hosts four modules, introducing the theoretical foundations behind emotional education, the techniques of DoE and their use in schools.


How to use DoE in schools?

All 18 DoE techniques are introduced and described. In the on-line version, short videos have been filmed illustrating how teachers taking part in the piloting process used the DoE techniques  in their daily work.  This includes how the techniques can be; used step-by-step, adapted, integrated into lessons,  and the reactions of the pupils.


Case studies

Examples of the impact of DoE in schools, including case studies, testimonials about the experiences of the students and teachers taking part in EUMOSCHOOL. The case studies are divided into four sections:

  • How specific techniques helped individual students
  • How the teachers viewed the experience
  • How the techniques affect the cohesion of the class
  • How the wider community can be involved


Practical advice given on frequently recurring questions, such as how to; incorporate the techniques in the lesson plan, lead a discussion about emotions and what to do when difficult situations arise due to implementing the techniques.