The EUMOSCHOOL third transnational meeting has been held in Cheltenham, UK, on the 17th -18th of November 2016. The meeting – hosted by the University of Gloucestershire – has been a chance to deepen the results already achieved and to plan the next steps of the project with all the project partners.
Specifically, partners have discussed on the current implementation of Pilot I of the EUMOSCHOOL OER, an online course addressed to teachers to learn about both the importance of Emotional Education as Early School Leaving (ESL) prevention approach and the Didactics of Emotions techniques. In fact, once the course will be finalized, teachers will put in practice the acquired knowledge on the techniques with their classrooms during the next phase, the Pilot II.
The meeting has also been important to specify tools and approaches to be used during the next year. Teachers – supported by tutors – will monitor the impact of the techniques with the students at 3 different levels:
- their emotional competences;
- their transversal skills and key competences;
- potential improvement of the students’ learning connected to their emotional wellbeing.
This will allow how to change and adapt the methodology of Didactics of Emotions in a better way at national level, allowing to guarantee a stronger impact.
The Pilot II phase will contribute to create the Interactive Guidelines, a tool which will guide step by step its users to implement the Didactics of Emotions as a holistic approach to prevent ESL. The contents of this tool will be also integrated in the online course, which will be ready to be used in its final version on September 2017.
Moreover, partners – thanks to the different multiplier events held in each country – started to create their local network of stakeholders, whose feedback will be crucial to develop the Policy recommendations to promote Emotional education to prevent ESL. The meeting in Cheltenham allowed partners to plan the collection of feedbacks in an effective way, thus ensuring a successful development of the document.
The next EUMOSCHOOL meeting will be held in Hungary in Spring 2017.