Guidelines for EUMOSCHOOL implementation as an holistic approach to Early School Leaving

The Guidelines for EUMOSCHOOL implementation as an holistic approach to Early School Leaving are a key tool of the project EUMOSCHOOL – Emotional Education for Early School Leaving prevention (Erasmus + – KA2: Strategic Partnership in the field of School). It summarizes the partnership experiences during its second year of implementation and introduces important tools and step-by-step instructions about how to implement Didactics of Emotions, an Italian methodology which allowed us to introduce emotional education in the school system of 5 countries to be used as a tool to prevent Early School Leaving. The current product gives the reader a complex and complete overview of what has been done and – most of all – concrete suggestions and recommedations for all those teachers who want to integrate the Didactics of Emotions techniques in their lessons’ flow, in order to guarantee a positive emotional climate in their classroom and wellbeing to their students. The prevention of Early School Leaving is a EU priority which has strongly guided this project during these years, trying always to ensure that holistic perspective which is indispensable to get benefits for our students.

According to Danilo Dolci, education is to make possible the discovery of life, and emotions are our necessary tools to discover and appreciate life and all the relations we develop in our lifetime. Taking care of our emotions means to take care of our „human network”, our development, and society at large. This is the reason we need greater invovlement from schools, teachers, families, public institutions – to support and enable this education process in its broadest sense.

We would like to thank all those students, teachers, tutors and schools in Italy, Austria, Romania, Hungary and Turkey whokindly cooperated with us to gather this information and present it in this handbook: without their support, contributions and patience this result could not have been achieved.

We hope it can be useful for your school and colleagues but – most of all – for your students.