In this section of the guidelines, you can find a step-by-step guide to implement each of the DoE techniques. The added value of this section is that you can really see the real life experiences of teachers and students during the project implementation. Before proceeding by deepening each technique, this section will introduce how the partners have proceeded to collect the main information gathered here.
The implementation in the schools
During the 2016/2017 school year, 27 schools participated in the implementation of the DoE techniques in 5 countries (Italy, Hungary, Austria, Turkey, Romania), involving 707 students from 6 to 16 years old in the phase called Piloting II. All 18 DoE techniques were distributed and tested within the EUMOSCHOOL project in different types of schools – both primary and secondary – by teachers of different subjects.
The monitoring and the evaluation
Similarly to the Piloting I, also the Piloting II had a complex system of monitoring and evalution which has been the basis to collect all the information which is gathered here. This system has used several tools:
- 3 meetings with teachers (pre-, mid-, post-), assessing the impact of their experience in implementing the DoE techniques in school thanks to the usage of questionnaires and focus groups.
- Assessment tools to measure the key competences of students (administred before and after the implementation
- Psychometric tests – as SEDS – to measure the students’ beahavioural and emotional quotient (administered before and after the DoE implementation)
- Observation tools to support teachers in planning the techniques within their lessons’ flow.
All this monitoring system has allowed to gather the practical experience on how the techniques work in different school settings, how the pupils react to each of them, or what might be their difficulties.
A video for each technique has been made, allowing to describe in the best way the experience of some of the teachers involved in the project.
Take a look on the videos in the next section!
If you need more information, instructions and details about the techniques, check the Module 3 of the EUMOSCHOOL OER to have a complete overview to implement them in the best way.